Be Still Float Studio
1050 Riverside Avenue Suite A, Jacksonville, Florida 32204
3 reviews
5 out of 5 stars
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What if you could charge your mind and body like you charge your cell phone battery? Floatation therapy (also known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy or Sensory Deprivation Therapy) is quickly gaining popularity around the world as a means of deep relaxation and recovery. The practice of floatation is an exciting solution to help us deal with our stressful lifestyles. It is a wonderful complement to current wellness activities. We are a premier float facility where members will develop their floating practice. We are NOT a spa. We ARE a place where one can develop their practice of floating, like a yoga studio or the gym. Be Still Float Studio is one more tool in your toolkit for self-care. Relax deeply to live fully.
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Jacksonville is in for the BEST.....
By Alexandra on July 29, 2018.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Georgina, owner of Be Still Still Float Studio for quite sometime now. I know this Float Spa is going to be the best float spa's Jacksonville will ever have. Georgina has been working on the project for a long time now-her extensive travels across the country doing research, meeting with experts, she care's about everyone, and everything she puts her heart into. Those who know her, will know that this project will be a big piece of her heart, her families-care, love and nothing but the best. I am so excited and can't wait to have Be Still Float Studio so close. See you at the opening. Keep the postings coming on FB-love watching the progression.
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A Must! Can't Wait for Opening!
By Michael on July 29, 2018.
As an ex-baseball catcher | coach, frequent traveling, floating has helped relieve my chronic joint pain and helped lower my blood pressure. I float as often as I can-my sleep has never been better.
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So Thrilled and Excited that "Be Still Float Studio" to be opening Soon!
By Kelly on July 29, 2018.
I was introduced to floating by owner Georginia, "Be Still Float Studio I can't for the opening!- I am a hooked and a firm believer. Being a skeptic at first-but knowing the integrity, passion and commitment Georginia puts behind everything she does, I know Float Studio will be nothing but the BEST!. Georgina's research and science behind floating-has me and my family who are very sports oriented, committed to floating- for mind, body, relaxation and well being. It Works! Stressful job, history of migraines, chronic lower back and neck pain - floating has significantly improved my quality of life and sleep better than I ever have. I now float as often as I can.
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More about Be Still Float Studio
Business Type: Commercial / OfficeNumber of float tanks: 4Styles of float tanks:- Cabin / Room,
- Other: 8ft diameter, open pool
- Other: Floataway
- Chlorine
Where to Float in Jacksonville, Florida
Be Still Float Studio offers sensory deprivation / float tank therapy in the Jacksonville, Florida area. They will help you get the most from your float tank experience. Contact Be Still Float Studio now to schedule a float.
Float tank locations in Florida
Are you considering trying floating in Jacksonville? Be Still Float Studio has a float tank available for your use. Come try out floating in a sensory deprivation tank to see and experience the benefits of floating for yourself.
The sensory deprivation tank creates an environment free of distractions enabling the body to truly relax. In this deepened relaxed state the body’s natural abilities to heal, focus, and harness creativity are heightened. This makes floating a powerful learning tool for students, artists, or anyone looking to get the most out of their profession.
Schedule your float tank experience in Jacksonville, Florida today with Be Still Float Studio
Call Be Still Float Studio at 1.904.6199615 or stop by to set up your first float in Jacksonville.