Floating Improves Skills

Floating Improves Skills

Blog » Floating Improves Skills
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People enhance their value to the outside world through their skills. Finding way to improve those skills can open doors to prosperity, better health and happiness. Floating is a tool that can serve as a skill enhancer.

Think about it for a second. Floating is designed to free your mind. The natural talents you possess and the skills you acquire through education and experience are both rooted in your mental capacity. So if floating is good for your mental health, it can also be good for your working life.

It is almost like a personal energy shot to your creative center. Floating opens mental doors that might be closed or invisible to you in the stress and noise of the outside world. It offers a chance to remover the clutter from your thoughts and focus your attention and energy on what matters most.

When you no longer can sense the difference between the air and water and your own body, that is when your mind is free. Such freedom can be channeled to enhancing certain skills or talents you possess.

Maybe you are learning to play a difficult song on a musical instrument like the piano or violin. Floating can give you a chance to replay the notes of the music in your mind and unlock how to translate what you read on a sheet into beautiful sounds. Maybe your talent lies in designing a home or yard. Floating can help you see new patterns, shapes and colors that lead to revolutionary designs.

Floating in an isolation tank can be a gateway to enhanced skills and talents that enhance your own value in your eyes and the eyes of others in your life.
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Original author: John

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