Clinical trial shows floating could be effortless treatment for acute stress

Clinical trial shows floating could be effortless treatment for acute stress

Blog » Clinical trial shows floating could be effortless treatment for acute stress
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By Carl Fallowfield on 10/05/2016

Calico Health & Wellbeing Centre in Plumpton, Penrith is the only place in Cumbria you can experience effortless relief from pain, stress and anxiety that floatation therapy offers.

Dr. Justin Feinstein, amygdala expert and leader of the current clinical trial at LIBR, Tulsa, Oklahoma says: “Floating is the only therapy that releases the body from gravity. Being suspended in warm Epsom Salt solution allows the body and brain to experience a deep state of rest. Essentially what we found in the preliminary data is that the amygdala is shutting off post-float. It’s nice to see that can be done in a way that doesn’t require medication.”

The amygdala is where the fight-or-flight response originates. Finding natural, effortless ways to shut it off could help many people find relief from PTSD, stress, anxiety and pain without medication or hard-to-learn disciplines such as meditation or yoga.

LIBR float clinic
The Float Tank research area at Laureate Institute for Brain Research. Photo by Shane Bevel

Christine Jackson, proprietor and clinical reflexologist at Calico, offers local people the unique combination of floatation therapy and holistic therapies that provide a level of pain and stress relief that cannot be achieved by any other healing therapy in isolation.

Christine says : “I had serious health problems that consultants advised me to go down the disability route for treatment and I didn’t want to do that. I discovered floatation therapy and now 3 years later I am free of medication! The powers of floating are indescribable and have transformed my health and quality of life. I am now passionate about sharing it and educating people on the vast benefits of floating and would love to get it recognised by the NHS which is why I am at the health mela in Carlisle this Saturday 14th May.”

“Our clients are of all ages, both men and women come here to ease such ailments as back pain, insomnia, anxiety and stress. Life has become so stressful and many people cannot find the motivation to learn such things as yoga or meditation. Floatation therapy is an easy and lazy way to de-stress and relieve pain, leaving you feeling a deep sense of calm and people tell me after their float session they have never felt so relaxed.”

Calico is holding an open day on Saturday 22nd May 10am to 4pm – a great opportunity to come along and take a look at what the float room is like and find out about all the therapies available. There will be a free prize draw for a complimentary float session.

“As someone who has worked naturally to heal debilitating adrenal fatigue (an extreme form of chronic exhaustion), the one thing I’ve learnt that is more important than taking any supplement or medication is the need for deep rest and profound relaxation. My experience in Calico’s floatation tank was that it has proved to be the perfect life-enhancing, relaxation-inducing remedy for me. It allowed me the simplicity of physical, emotional and mental renewal that only comes when we take time out to truly focus on our well-being. The float tank is an oasis of calm in a hectic world.” Veronika Robinson, Author.

via: Cumbria Crack

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